Director and editor: Lucia Doynel

Sound: Paul Wells

Client: Linda Baggett

Here is Linda’s experience in her words:

“At the previous group practice I was at, all my clients said that the video was an important piece of them choosing me. I understand it's an important marketing tool.

I was determined to make one.

The coaching sessions with Lucia before the shoot helped me focus on what my overall goal was with the video related to what I was self-conscious about (i.e. showing myself fully to positively model for fat clients)

I think the main thing I learned through this experience was realizing that I didn't have to nail a take. When I did it before, the person doing the shoot had me do take after take until it was good enough. It was liberating that pieces of different takes could be put together. Took a lot of pressure off.

I think I'll always be a little uncomfortable, but not so much that it holds me back.”


If you would love to create a brand video that:

  • Shows the real value of what you offer

  • Makes people consider working with you

  • Allows them to see your approach as no-brainer solution


Then the Authentic Brand Video-shoot is for you!

Click here to apply to work together and book a call


Weekly Series


The weekly email series to support you in showing up as your true, unapologetic self online. Each week, you'll receive valuable marketing and mindset strategies you need to grow your online business while feeling safe to be seen. You'll create an authentic online presence while filling your client roster on your terms.

We hate SPAM. We will never sell your information, for any reason.

It's time to become your true unapologetic self online

I’m going to show you how to pose, take amazing photos, connect through videos and finally feel confident on camera, but it’s about so much more…

It’s about feeling confident in your own expression. It’s about feeling comfortable in your own skin. It’s about creating content that reflects your most authentic self.

It’s about truly, wholly being seen.

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