Surprising Side Effects of Growing Your Visibility Through Strategic Partnerships

Season #2

On today's episode, I have guest expert Steph Wharton.

Steph is a quirky Latina known as the queen of leadership + visibility, who thrives on breaking the rules and prioritizing fun in life and business. She specializes in helping folks diversify their marketing beyond social media through strategic partnerships that expose them to untapped audiences filled with dream clients ready to invest.

In this episode we talked about:

- Why visibility is so important for a thriving business
- Where most coaches fall short when trying to increase their visibility
- Surprising Side Effects of growing your visibility through strategic partnerships!
- What to look for when you are researching partners and what to avoid (and how to feel safe)
- Must have things personal brands need in order to grow through collaborations and strategic partnerships
- Important mindset shifts to show up authentically
- The ROI of visibility and strategic partnerships